Friday, January 10, 2014

Latest cover for sale!

If you're interested in this cover or want to see other covers I have for sale please visit my website: or send me a mail: nellieclind(at)

Note: The text on the cover is only for show. 
It will be changed according to your wishes.

New cover for sale!

If you're interested in this cover or want to see other covers I have for sale please visit my website: or send me a mail: nellieclind(at)

Note: The text on the cover is only for show. 
It will be changed according to your wishes.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Review: C791 by Eve Langlais

Author: Eve Langlais
Title: C791
Series: Cyborgs: More than machines

Rating: B
Heat: Hot

Bought from: Free copy from Amazon
Read book format: Ebook

Chloe works as at a military facility where a cyborg has been cought. She's ordered to take samples from him. All her life she's been told cyborgs were evil, killer machines, but this cyborg make her question everything she knows. When he escapes he kidnapps her, which Chloe, strangly enough, don't mind. Instead if feels like coming home.

It's an alright cover, but it doesn't say much about the book.

This book got me hooked from the start. It promised a really wonderful story, but after a few chapters I lost a little bit interest because it felt like I've read it before, in other books. But at the same time it was a great story, funny and with interesting characters. In some parts the book wasn't predictable, which was good. I recommend this one. You can download it for free from Amazon.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Print books with Amazon?

I have for some time now thougt about printing my books with Amazon and not just publish ebooks there. I know how to make covers and inlays and today I took a look at Createspace, their program where you can create printed books. After a first look it doesn't seem to be too difficult, but at the same time it made my head spin with questions. Can I for instance use my EIN number to publish printed books there? 

Today I use a printing house ( that's located in Poland and they make really beautiful books. So another question is, do I have to use Createspace to get my printed books on Amazon or is there another way for me to sell my printed books there?

A lot to think about and I think the first step will be to contact IRS to see if I need another EIN number or not. If you have any experience with publishing printed books on Amazon and live outside the US, please let me know! :)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

First day of the new year!

I hope you had a wonderful new year! I spent mine at home with my son and family and at midnight we went out to watch the fireworks. Somehow it's always refreshing to wake up to a new year and imagine what will happen. It doesn't always turn out as planned, but at least you can make plans and hope for the best. 

So what does my plans look like for this year? Well, I will be focusing a lot on my company, my publishing house that is. In just a few days I have runned it for a whole year. The basics are more or less taken care of. For instance how to make a book cover, an inlay, ebook and so on. Last year I spent a lot of time learning. Of course there will be a lot learning this year as well, but I think that I will be focusing more on how to write correctly in English and how to actually publish a book at Amazon, Smashwords and so on. That's something I'm still not familiar with at this moment. Though I do have the EIN number that's necessary to make it possible. 

I also plan to publish several books, four actually, and I hope I will achieve that goal. First out is "Angel in chains". The book is finished and proofreading remains. After that I will continue with "Her cyborg", which I'm still writing. I also plan to write a sequel to one of those books, but I'm not telling which because I haven't really decided yet. Part from that I'm planning to translate one of my books that I wrote a few years ago to English. It's a science fiction romance. I made the cover for it yesterday, and I just love it! The English title for the book is "Light and darkness" so keep an eye open for that one as well. :)
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